Sunday, December 20, 2009

Beginning of 31st Week!

Hi Friends and Family! It's vacation time!
Joe & I both get two full weeks off for the holidays because of the mandatory furloughs for the UC system. My parents are renting a place near the ocean in Santa Cruz for a month, so we'll get to spend the holidays with them! My pregnancy is finally starting to go a little faster. Only 9 more weeks to go! All of a sudden, it seems like there's a lot to do before Little Buddy's arrival. Joe and I are going to spend some time over the holidays working on transforming our den into Little Buddy's room. We also plan to take a Childbirth Education class in early February. I am feeling mostly great! Every once in a while I'll have an "off" day where I haven't slept well. Sleeping is somewhat challenging, but as long as I'm exercising, I can usually sleep pretty well. When I do sleep soundly, Joe says he has to wear earplugs because of my snoring! (He has a few recordings of my snoring -- not sure if he's going to post those, or not!)
It's interesting to feel the baby kicking and moving around when I'm trying to sleep!

Prenatal yoga helps a lot -- stretches everything out and gets the energy moving. I also recently started swimming, which is very fun! And, I don't even have to kick when I'm swimming freestyle because Little Buddy and the amniotic sac serve as a flotation device!

I'm beginning to see my doctor every two weeks now. At 36 weeks, I'll start going in every week! Pregnancy involves lots of doctors visits, poking and prodding -- I'm not used to that. But, I love our doctor -- she is great! She is a family medicine doctor who is also an OB. The great part about that is -- she will also be Little Buddy's pediatrician! Enjoy the holidays, everyone! :o)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Some Random Pics

The trees outside our apartment give us a little FALL Color.

Our Ugly Doll, Wage, doesn't know what to think of the new addition to the family.

30/31st week